A Group of Hackers Steals $1.75M Worth of Crypto Assets From DeFiance Capital Crypto Fund Founder

A Group of Hackers Steals $1.75M Worth of Crypto Assets From DeFiance Capital Crypto Fund Founder

Some hackers have stolen non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other crypto assets from DeFiance Capital founder Arthur Cheong.

According to him, he has been the victim of so-called spear phishing via email, which resulted in a virus being installed on his smartphone. The program found seed phrases stored in the device from two Ethereum wallets and handed them over to hackers.

Cheong has also posted a screenshot of the email that he thinks was the source of the malware. He has said:

“Found out the likely root cause for the exploit, it’s a targeted social engineering attack. Received a spear-phishing email that really seems to be sent by one of our portco with content that seems like general industry-relevant content. They are likely targeting all crypto peep.”

Cybersecurity company PeckShield has noted that the stolen assets include several dozen NFTs from the popular collections of Azuki, CloneX, Hedgies and Second Self.